I componenti assicurano un’adeguata e qualificata rappresentanza del territorio e una gestione indipendente e autonoma dell’ente.
Il Presidente presiede sia il Consiglio di Amministrazione che l’Organo di Indirizzo garantendo il necessario coordinamento e dialogo tra i due organi.
Gli organi istituzionali della Fondazione Carima sono il Consiglio di Amministrazione, l’Organo di Indirizzo, il Collegio dei Revisori e l’Assemblea dei Soci.
Componenti effettivi
Componenti supplenti
Componenti effettivi
Componenti supplenti
The art. 8, paragraph 4, of the ACRI-MEF Memorandum of Understanding provides that “Without prejudice to what is established for Foundations of associative origin by art. 4, paragraph 1, letter d), of legislative decree no. 153/99, the Foundations verify that the designating subjects are representative of the territory and the social interests underlying the institutional activity of the Foundation. In order to collect information and useful elements for this evaluation, the Foundations promote one or more meetings with public and private bodies, expressive of local realities, active in the sectors of intervention of the Foundation. The criteria and methods for calling meetings are previously and objectively regulated; participants can intervene, present documents and proposals. Minutes of the meetings are drawn up to be submitted to the Steering Body”. In order to implement this provision, the Foundation promoted an evaluation within the Steering Body, which, in the meeting of 16 October 2016, noted that a verification, in the sense set out above, had been carried out on the occasion of the modification of the Statute when all the bodies of the Foundation, including the Members’ Assembly in which broad and widespread interests of civil society are represented, contributed to the debate relating to the composition of the Steering Body with regard, in particular, to the so-called “structure” of the designating bodies which indicate 50% of this assembly. The final decision, shared by all the bodies of the Foundation, led to the structure of the designating bodies, as represented in the 1st paragraph of the art. 23, which is appreciated for the right balance between the public component and that of civil society (Third Sector, economic world, etc.), which gives broad coverage of the Foundation’s area of effective operations and above all ensures compliance with the principle of representativeness of the territory and of the social interests underlying the institutional activity of our organisation. Therefore, after careful evaluation, the Steering Body, having acknowledged that the aforementioned verification was carried out on the occasion of the amendment of the Statute, confirmed that the current composition of the designating bodies is representative of the Foundation’s reference territory and the underlying social interests from the institutional activity of the Foundation.
Soci in carica al 07/11/2023
Soci sospesi al 07/11/2023*
(*) I Soci elencati sono sospesi in quanto facenti parte di altri organi della Fondazione Cassa di risparmio della provincia di Macerata.